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3. Test Flow Setup

Click on the Create button on the Test Assets page and select the New Test Flow Template (Client-mode) option. You land on the Flow Template Designer, which allows for creating a Test Flow template. A Test Flow Template is a list of actions performed during test runs, such as connecting to a target, sending test cases based on Message Template(s), receiving and processing data, and disconnecting from the target.

To complete this tutorial, we do not need more actions than what was included by default. We are going to:

  1. Connect to the target
  2. Send test cases based on the previously imported Message Template
  3. Receive some data
  4. Disconnect from the test target

During testing, these steps will repeat until GUARDARA has delivered all the generated test cases, one each iteration.

What we have to do next is to:

  1. Assign the imported Message Template to the Send Action
  2. Configure the Action properties

Before we continue with these steps, let's name the Test Flow by clicking on the Test Flow Name text on the top of the screen and entering our desired name.

Message Template Assignment

Assigning a Message Template to a Send Action is trivial. Switch to the Assets tab on the left-side panel and locate the previously imported Message.

Asset Selection

Drag the Message Template, then drop it on the Send Action. As a result, the Message Template gets assigned to the Send Action. You can verify this by expanding the action, as shown in the picture below.

Message Assignment

Action Properties

In this tutorial, we will use a Monitor, more specifically the GDB Monitor, to detect any anomalies in the behaviour of the target. To prevent Connection-based issue detection from interfering, we will set up all the Actions so that only signals emitted by the Monitor are handled.

Click on the Properties button (cogwheel) of each action in the Test Flow and set the event handlers as listed below:

  • Action on Monitor: Jump to Next Field
  • Connection Error: None
  • Action on Timeout: None

A screenshot of the above configuration for the Connection actions is shown below as an example.

Action Properties

Finally, save the Test Flow Template by clicking on File > Save in the menu right below the Flow Template's name.